We’re all in this together.

This past week I had a sweet conversation with a friend. I was asked, “Why are you so passionate about helping others these days?” My immediate reply – without thinking – was “It’s because we’re all in this together.”

It’s true, isn’t it?

We are all interconnected by a vast network of need.

I’m struck when I get emails about my blog, or comments on that Transformational Encouragement group on Facebook. There is a commonality running throughout all the input I get. Here are the common threads:

  1. We are all facing, well, stuff.
  2. There apparently never is a time when we’re completely stuff free. It’s always something.
  3. We are not alone in feeling and experiencing the things we do, even if we feel alone.
  4. We’re all in this together.

It makes sense, then, for me to provide venues for encouragement and hope. That’s why this blog exists. That’s why the Facebook group, Transformational Encouragement, is thriving. (It’s a closed group, and we’re almost to 800 members. But consider this your invitation to join if you haven’t already!)

So it’s all about mutual encouragement, because we are indeed all in this together.

But back to the initial question of “why?” I’ll try to answer that.

I’m 63. When my birthday rolls around next year, I’ll be able to talk about “when I’m 64,” and I think it’s cool that Paul McCartney (or Lennon-McCartney, if you agree with the album liner notes) thought enough of me to write a song.

What I’m mindful of is that I have more behind me than I do ahead of me.

Which means that, these days, I’m very excited about making life and impact and legacy count.

This is not, not, not some kind of ego-driven desire. I’m very content to reside in obscurity. Self-promotion doesn’t come easy for me.

What does get my blood pumping, though, is the opportunity I seem to have been given to bring like-minded people together to share in a blessed hope available to all. And there’s the mutual transformational encouragement thing, too.

One thing I’ve learned through blogging, course development, coaching, etc., is that people don’t need or even want any more information. Information is available by the boatload. All you have to do is click on a keyboard or screen, and you can get all the information you want.

Rather, people want results. They want change.

I just believe down to my bone marrow that God’s called me to be an agent in helping people find the change they need. (Man, that looks presumptuous in print. I’m gonna go with that sentiment anyway.)

Look. Many of y’all have told me, in so many words, that you struggle. Everyone does – it’s just a matter of timing and degree.

So how can I, Tony, help?

Here’s where I am today. Because, we are all in this together.

  1. None of this is about me (Tony). I mean that. If you’ve been tracking with me for any length of time, you know my heart.
  2. It’s about you. You, your faith, your challenges, your growth, your peace, and your hope.
  3. In the FB Transformational Group, you have a great opportunity to be there for each other. You’ll be showered with encouragement. You’ll know you aren’t alone.
  4. In this blog, I covenant to give you the best I have in a timely fashion. One thing I’d encourage – there is always an opportunity for comments. I’d love to see some give and take, some dialogue, there. Iron sharpens iron, right?
  5. I’m really doing some searching and evaluation as to what I’m to do with Transformational Encouragement Academy. There’s a free course there now. I don’t want to launch anything else until I’m satisfied that (a) it’s time, and (b) what I offer is not just information, but results.
  6. The life coaching thing? It’s out there as a really deep-level opportunity. It’s very personal, and it’s driven by you and what you believe the areas you want to see results in are. And, it’s also available for teenagers – those 40 years of working with students give me some insight and leverage.

So, there’s all that. If we’re all in this together – and we are – then it seems right for us to remind each other of that.

You may just be someone’s answered prayer. Don’t keep yourself to yourself. Be blessed.