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Do you think it’s all about you?

Jun 26, 2024

One thing I’ve noticed - especially on social media - is that some people aren’t ashamed to whine. Or act the victim. To come across as persecuted. 

Spare me.

Ever feel like the world's got its priorities a bit mixed up? Everywhere we look, it's "me, me, me." From social media influencers flaunting their latest vacation to folks cutting you off in traffic because they just have to be first. It’s as if we’re all competing in a race where the only prize is self-satisfaction. But what if I told you this relentless focus on self is the root of so many problems in our world? Let's dive into why it’s not all about you—and how shifting this mindset can lead to a more fulfilling life.

The Selfishness Dilemma

Selfishness is the foundation for all conflict. Think about it: whenever there's a clash—whether it’s between nations, neighbors, or even family members—it usually boils down to differing desires. When two hearts want different things and neither is willing to sacrifice for the sake of the other, conflict arises.

On a grand scale, selfishness causes wars and crime. Nations go to war over resources, power, or ideology, all driven by a desire to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Crime often stems from a person's desire to take what isn't theirs, believing that their needs or wants justify their actions.

But it’s not just the big stuff. Selfishness seeps into our daily lives, causing friction in our relationships. Arguments with friends and family often start because one person wants something the other doesn’t. Maybe it’s control over the TV remote, or perhaps it’s a deeper issue like differing life goals. When we put our desires above others', we create a breeding ground for discord.

The Path of Humility

In contrast, the Lord teaches us that humility, not selfishness, leads to true satisfaction in life. James 4:6 says, "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." This isn’t just a spiritual platitude; it’s practical advice for living.

When we promote ourselves, wars and conflicts result. We're constantly in competition, always trying to one-up the next person. Even God is against us in our prideful pursuits. But when we embrace humility, we pave the way for peace and harmony.

The Humility Equation

Imagine a world where everyone practices humility. It might sound utopian, but let’s break it down. When you approach life with humility, you’re willing to put others' needs above your own. This doesn’t mean becoming a doormat; it means valuing others as much as you value yourself.

Think of a time when you’ve had a disagreement with someone close to you. What if, instead of digging in your heels, you chose to listen and understand their perspective? This simple act of humility can defuse tension and lead to a more constructive dialogue. It’s amazing how conflicts can dissolve when we stop trying to be right and start trying to understand.

Real-Life Applications

So, how do we apply this in our daily lives? Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Instead of planning your rebuttal while the other person is talking, truly listen to what they’re saying. Validate their feelings and perspectives, even if you don’t agree.
  2. Serve Others: Look for ways to help those around you without expecting anything in return. This could be as simple as helping a colleague with their workload or volunteering your time to a worthy cause.
  3. Reflect on Your Actions: Take a moment each day to reflect on your interactions. Were there moments when you could have been more humble? How can you approach similar situations differently in the future?
  4. Pray for Humility: Ask God to help you cultivate a humble heart. It’s not always easy to set aside our pride, but with divine guidance, we can grow in humility

The Reward of Humility

Living in humility doesn’t just benefit those around us; it transforms us as well. When we let go of selfish ambitions, we find a deeper sense of peace and satisfaction. The Lord promises that those who humble themselves will be lifted up (James 4:10). It’s a paradox of sorts: by putting others first, we end up gaining more than we could ever imagine.

So next time you’re tempted to make it all about you, remember the wisdom of humility. It’s not about diminishing your worth or ignoring your needs; it’s about recognizing that we’re all in this together. By lifting others up, we rise too. And that, my friends, is a beautiful way to live.

Until next time, let’s strive to make our world a little less about "me" and a lot more about "we."

