Follow Your Tears: Finding God's Heart in Your Pain
Nov 24, 2024Hey, y'all!
I can be a real crybaby. It's one of those things that, after many years of not admitting the obvious, I've had to embrace. For instance, there's a Salvation Army commercial that shows a young mother and her daughter being evicted from their home. Gets me every time.
Have you ever had one of those cries that comes out of nowhere and catches you off guard? Maybe you were watching a movie, hearing someone’s story, or sitting quietly with your thoughts when suddenly, the tears began to flow. It might feel inconvenient or even embarrassing, but I want to encourage you today: don’t run from your tears. They might be leading you to something far more significant.
I’ve come to believe that tears are like little breadcrumbs God scatters in our lives to lead us back to what truly matters. They’re not just a sign of pain or sadness—they’re signposts pointing us toward our hearts. And if we’re willing to follow those tears, they can lead us to something extraordinary: God’s own heart.
Tears Show Us What We Care About
The first step is paying attention to why we’re crying. Tears often reveal what matters most to us. Think about the last time you cried. Was it over a loss? An injustice? A moment of beauty so profound it took your breath away? Those tears are saying something.
Maybe they’re showing you the depth of your love for someone you’ve lost. Or they’re stirring a passion in you to make the world better. Maybe they’re reminding you of your longing for connection, for healing, for hope. Whatever the reason, your tears are not wasted. They’re a direct line to your heart—a place God is deeply interested in shaping.
Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” If our heart is the wellspring of our lives, then our tears help us see what’s inside that well. They show us what we value, what we fear, and what we hope for.
Finding What’s Dear to God
Here’s the beautiful part: when we find our heart, we often discover what is dear to God.
God cares about the things that stir our hearts—not because we’re the center of the universe, but because He made us in His image. If something breaks your heart, chances are it breaks God’s heart, too. Scripture is full of examples of God’s compassion for the hurting, the lost, and the broken.
- Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:35), showing His deep empathy for our grief.
- God hears the cries of the oppressed and promises to act on their behalf (Exodus 3:7-8).
- In Isaiah 61, God promises to comfort those who mourn and give them “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.”
When our tears lead us to these places of shared compassion with God, we begin to see the world—and our purpose in it—through His eyes.
How Should You Live Your Life?
So, how do tears guide the way we live? By pointing us toward action.
When you follow your tears, you’ll often discover a calling or a cause that aligns with God’s purposes.
- Do you weep over children in need? Perhaps God is calling you to foster care, sponsorship, or mentoring.
- Do you cry over injustice? Maybe you’re meant to advocate, educate, or serve those who are marginalized.
- Are you moved by the beauty of creation? God might be stirring a desire in you to protect and steward the environment.
Living a life that reflects God’s heart doesn’t mean you have to save the whole world. It just means you start where your tears take you. When you find what’s dear to God, you can begin to align your time, energy, and resources with His priorities.
The Promise of Following Your Tears
Here’s the amazing thing: when you follow your tears, you’ll find healing and joy along the way.
Psalm 126:5-6 says, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”
Your tears are not the end of the story—they’re the beginning. They water the seeds of a life lived for God, and over time, they’ll produce a harvest of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.
So the next time you feel tears welling up, don’t brush them aside or hide them away. Let them flow. Follow them to your heart, to God’s heart, and to the life He’s calling you to live.
You might be surprised where they lead you.