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Never Doubt God’s Love for You

Never Doubt God’s Love for You

Feb 09, 2025

Hey, y’all! Have you ever had a day where you wondered if God truly loves you? Maybe you’ve felt unworthy, like your mistakes and shortcomings make you undeserving of His love. If that’s you, let me remind you of a powerful truth—God’s love for you is unwavering, unconditional, and unchanging.

Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” That means His love isn’t something we earn—it’s something He gives freely, no matter what.

The Unfailing Love of God

Unlike human love, which can be conditional or inconsistent, God’s love is steadfast. Think about the prodigal son—he walked away from his father, wasted everything he had, and yet, when he returned, his father ran to embrace him with open arms. That’s the kind of love God has for us! No matter how far we wander, He is always ready to welcome us back.

Resting in His Love

As a Christian life coach, I remind people that God’s love is not based on performance. It’s not about what we do—it’s about who He is. His love remains, even when we feel unworthy or broken.

Practical Ways to Embrace God’s Love

  1. Spend Time in His Word: Let Scripture remind you of His deep love for you.
  2. Pray with Confidence: Approach God knowing He delights in hearing from you.
  3. Reject Lies of Unworthiness: Stop believing the enemy’s lie that you have to “measure up” to be loved.
  4. Surround Yourself with Encouragement: A strong Christian community can remind you of God’s love when you forget.
  5. Live in Gratitude: When we focus on God’s love, it transforms how we see ourselves and others.

Final Thoughts

God’s love for you is unwavering. No mistake, failure, or distance can separate you from it. Let’s rest in His love today, knowing that we are fully known and deeply cherished.