indifference of god

The indifference of God.

The indifference of God. Maybe you know what I’m talking about.

If you’re a believer, you’ve been taught that God cares for you. You’ve experienced that care, perhaps.

There have been times when I’ve rested in the arms of Jesus. Storms wail, waves crash, darkness looms, and yet I feel perfectly safe. He’s got me, in other words.

Other times, it’s as though I’ve hung on for dear life. It’s like walking to the edge of the abyss, peeking over, and knowing that one misstep is certain death.

Boy superhero

There’s no one like you.

There’s no one like you in the whole wide world. That should be a real encouragement for you. Here’s why.

lighthouse at sunrise

Take refuge.

A ship’s captain keeps his eyes fixed on the lighthouse and ignores the wind and waves during a storm.


Because of Jesus’ shed blood my standing with the Father is fixed (assign or determine a person’s liability or responsibility for legal purposes). I am no longer held responsible for my sin. My crime against God is no longer.

Having Supernatural Hope in a (Super) Natural World

(Note: I’ve invited Gene Whitehead to write a guest blog for us today. Check out his bio and links below. You’re really, really gonna like his stuff. Trust your Uncle Tony on this one!) Blame it on the Devil Some time ago at a church my family and I attended, we were preparing for a […]

Change, and the world will change for you.

“Change, and the world will change for you.” That’s another one of those quotes that I can’t credit to anyone, other than noting it’s not original with me. It didn’t show up in a Google search. Maybe it was Napoleon Hill. And it’s a good’un. Here are the implications: The way things are now aren’t […]