Election Day.

Note: It’s Election Day. That photo was taken at our polling location at 6:40 a.m. The line goes down this side of the building and turns to the left in the distance. Never have I seen anything like this here. Today – November 3, 2020 – is Election Day here in the United States of […]

Trump removing mask

Do it scared.

Do one thing every day that scares you. Well, okay. What does that look like to you personally?

The end of days.

Are these the End of Days? I have believed for some time that we’ve been under God’s remedial judgement in the United States. I can’t speak to other countries, but subjectively these days just “feel” different.


I can’t share anything more meaningful or timely today than Rudyard Kipling’s “If.” Some may think I’m taking a shortcut rather than writing my blog. This is better than anything I could’ve come up with.

George Floyd

2020: What would Jesus do?

As I’ve watched this sordid tale of the death of George Floyd unfold, I have yearned for peace. For rest. Not only externally in the tumultuous world, but internally in my own soul. I’ve looked as best I can at “what would Jesus do?”

Statement on the death of George Floyd.

Today is blog day, and I woke up committed to say … something. I have so much chaos in my head that it’s not gonna happen. Being an empath in these days is an awful state. I will continue to try to put something coherent together that gives God’s hope to all of us. Today […]

Star Wars a new hope

A new hope.

Yeah, that’s a Star Wars reference. But we could all use a new hope for 2020.