God knows. 7 thoughts.

God knows.

Actually, God knows everything about you. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows what will be going on in your life on November 5, 2022, 7:13  p.m.

That’s called omnipotence. God knows all.

I don’t even begin to comprehend that.

My understanding of that truth, though, is actually pretty comforting. Maybe you knowing God knows will comfort you, too.

Hence, my very simple blog today.

There are plenty of things God wants you to know. I’ll confine my musings to just seven that are on my mind and heart today.

1.  We have to place our trust in Him. That means we have to be dependent on Him and desperate for Him.

I don’t know what your idea of “trust” involves. For me, I get this mental image of jumping off the roof of a building with nothing but asphalt below me. And I jump knowing a net will appear before I splatter.

Nuts, right? And yet, that’s not too far removed from what God offers us. It’s a matter of depending on Him to be God, first. Furthermore, it happens because we’re desperate.

God knows that we will often find ourselves in places where we’re absolutely at the end of our proverbial ropes. We are desperate for direction and relief. He moves us to a place of dependency on Him that grows out of desperation.

2.  God sees what we don’t see and God knows what we don’t know.

God’s plans for us are perfect. Not everyone seems to know that.

Aren’t we prone to second-guess or even avoid what we know to be right? The idea is that no matter where we go, God has already been there and is still waiting there. It’s that omnipotence thing, right?

The implications of this are simple and staggering. Stated in a way even I understand, it’s an acknowledgement that I am to daily put my life into His hands. No holding back. No wavering. Head down, full steam ahead. And if you want to classify that as blind obedience, good. That’s what He wants.

3.  Life is so stinking hard, but it’s even harder if we don’t have God’s perspective.

There have been times when I’ve wanted to holler, “God, if this is supposed to be a learning experience, then help me get it the first time around, because this is a class that I don’t want to have to repeat.” God knows that we are often in places in which we are clueless.

The trick, though, is to see things in our lives the way He sees them. He knows the outcome, sure, but He also knows what we’re dealing with in real-time.

We’re typically only aware of what’s happening right before our faces. God’s perspective is from a lofty place – He totally gets what we don’t get. We don’t have that vantage point, but we can sure trust the One who does. Here’s the truth: God is good, and what He does is always right.

4.  We must be willing to forgive and keep forgiving.

If you’ve hung around me, online or in person, for any length of time, you know this is a pony I ride a lot.

God knows how hard it is to forgive someone who has done you wrong. That wrong could be so monumental that you’d think there is no way in perdition you could forgive and move on.

Guess what. That forgiveness thing? I can’t find a loophole. We forgive others, period. Case closed.

The response that immediately surfaces is something like, “But Tony. You don’t know what they did to me! (Or one of my friends or family.)”

I still can’t find a scriptural out. It basically boils down to acknowledging that you’ll never go through experiences as brutal as what Jesus went through for us. Think about what they did to Him. And His forgiveness was shown by Him literally dying for those who’d abused Him.

There’s your model. God knows how hard that is for us; it’s actually impossible to have that kind of  forgiveness in our own flesh. That’s where His Spirit intervenes and intercedes. His Spirit forgives, even when our nature is rebelling. It’s all about releasing, yielding, our will to His.

5.  We’re broken people. We have to come to Him for reassembly.

Reassembly = healing.

I guarantee that the one universal with you and me is that we are dealing with, y’know, stuff. Issues, if you please.

I could offer a list of common issues, but mine aren’t yours, and vice-versa. What might be a big deal for me would be easy enough for you to blow off. God knows we’re different.

And – because we were probably raised to be self-sufficient and strong – it kills us to have to admit that we need fixing.

I’m not dismissing self-help. There are some solid ways we can improve.

I’d contend, though, that the Great Physician is also the Master Mechanic. If we’re broken, He can fix us, and His work is guaranteed.

It’s a matter of simply going to Him and admitting, “I got nuthin’.” He offers an extended warranty that never expires. Repairing broken people is a speciality of His.

6.  We have to be willing to share our stories and leave a legacy.

I’m not always encouraged by people who have it all worked out, or at least appear to or say they do. I am more ministered to by those fellow strugglers, who may not have it all together, but are on a journey of rightness with God.

This is potentially a high-risk activity, and you’ll have to determine your own tolerance for laying it all out there. But telling your story might be totally liberating for someone struggling in the same fashion you do. God knows that we need each other, and as risky as it might be for you to be appropriately transparent, you might just be the answer someone has been praying for. Cool.

That legacy thing? Yeah, you can make a lasting difference. You might accomplish that without even knowing it.

7.  Your story isn’t over yet. There’s more to come. God knows what He has you here for.

Know what? The reason you aren’t dead, the reason you’re breathing and reading this, is a clear indicator that you haven’t yet accomplished what God put you here to do.

Once I got my head wrapped around this, I felt like I was set free. I lost a lot of baggage. At the risk of sounding trite or shallow, you have a divine purpose. You have a role to fulfill in Kingdom work that is uniquely yours. No one has the same mix of gifts, talents, knacks, skills, and passions as you do.

So, yeah. God has plans for you, plans He put together before the foundations of the world were laid. God knows what He wants from you, and He will, by golly, move heaven and earth to assure you fulfill those plans. And it’s on Him to grant success.

He has more for you on earth to do, but, more significantly, He has more for you in eternity to come.

Talk later.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a hat tip to my buddy Brad Eubanks, who really got me thinking about these seven truths.

infinite trust