teenagers studying the bible

The NIV Student Bible – new and darn good.

This Bible delivers the goods. It’s geared toward students, but the more I delved into it, the more I realized that restricting it to simply an audience of “students” does the rest of us a disservice. I’ll use this one in my own studies. It’s that helpful.

plot to overthrow the world

Conspiracy theories and other fun activities.

So, conspiracy theories. Do you enjoy them? If you do, you’re probably the happiest you’ve ever been.   I’ve been thinking about the mechanics and mindset of how conspiracy theories work. My conclusion is that conspiracy theorists can often create a world that is much worse than the one they actually live in.   This […]

Eternity now bible

Eternity now.

Eternity now. Doesn’t that have a nice ring? Recently I was given the opportunity to review a copy of the new NET Eternity Now New Testament. The legal folks at #biblegatewaypartner tell me that I need to mention that I received this Bible for free as a member of the amazing Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. […]


Your RAS (Reticular Activating System): Three thoughts.

The reason I’m taking a look at the RAS today is because (drum roll!) I’m about to help you understand who you are and why you do and think the things you do. I was today years old when I learned about the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

I know that sounds pretty esoteric, but stick around. You’re about to have your eyes opened.

I can’t do it

That thing you can’t do – 6 points of reasoning.

Do you tell yourself there’s a thing you can’t do? What is it, and why is it an issue?

There’s a concept out there called “self-limiting beliefs.” You can take a look at what that’s about here. The term crops up in personal growth or self-help literature. Basically, self-limiting beliefs are assumptions or perceptions that you’ve got about yourself and about the way the world works.

Just do the next right thing.

“Do the next right thing.” That’s pretty much a call to action, right? The problem with follow-through is complicated, though. You have analyzed your situation until you’re paralyzed. You’re not comfortable where you are, but it’s more comfortable to stay there than it is to take a risky step. You aren’t even sure what the […]

our hard hearts

Our hard hearts.

The connection between God’s sovereignty and human freedom is a big, big mystery from where I sit. People a lot smarter than me (and probably you) have grappled with this for literally thousands of years. It’s still a mystery, and I’m not gonna solve this here at my Macbook on a Tuesday morning.

What I am certain of, though, is that God, by definition, is completely good in His actions. If we think about our hard hearts, and how they came about, we have to acknowledge that we have a big responsibility.

Why I don’t drink.

Alcohol is the only drug in my experience that I’ve had to explain why I don’t use it.

What is truth

What is truth?

There is absolute truth out there. Don’t be afraid of it.