Bullying is never okay.

This week, I want to dive into a memory lane moment that’s been tugging at my heartstrings, all centered around a term we’re all too familiar with — bullying. But, I’m not just talking about the kind we remember from the playground; I’m eyeing its more grown-up, yet equally damaging counterpart in our adult lives.

When our hearts are hungry.

There is hope for both you and me. Our hope is built on truth, and to the extent that we reject truth, we are just that much closer to being hopeless.

I’ve been struck on social media what is coming from believers. They are talking like lost pagan sinners, and God seems to have no place in their thinking. I’m not so high and mighty as to say I’ve never been there, but I am striving to be honest with all, beginning with myself. 

The gate of the year – revisited.

NOTE: I first posted this blog, The Gate of the Year, back in June. I’m not one to recycle my posts, but, I dunno. It came to mind this morning during my quiet time. So many folks as of this writing are on edge, strung out, worried senseless. This was comforting back in June, and […]