Love all

Love all, serve all, get punished.

Love all? I suppose that, even when you have the best intentions, some folks will misunderstand you – maybe even slam you.

terrified of god

Terrified of God.

There’s nothing more terrifying than the God Who is sovereign over all the forces of nature – indeed, over everything. This God is a threat to us way beyond anything we could dream up. He is a threat because He is holy.

Your future needs you. Your past doesn’t.

Your future needs you. Your past doesn’t. The great philosopher and theologian, Meat Loaf, sang: But it was long ago and it was far away Oh God it seems so very far And if life is just a highway – then the soul is just a car And objects in the rear view mirror may […]

Down and out.

God can be the source of pain (there’s something else I didn’t learn in Sunday School), but He is also the source of blessings. Those who trust in God should never fear His ultimate plans for us.

Ending a relationship.

In the abstract, ending a relationship isn’t something I want to do, even when it’s best for everyone involved. It’s a matter of “We done. I don’t love you any less, but we done.”

Social media, specifically Facebook, gives you an easy out in ending a relationship. Unfriend them. Boom. Done. But what if you want to salvage things? Perhaps you’re thinking after this troubling season is over, which is rife with toxic politics and COVID issues, we can go back to normal with the people we care about.

Prayer for the nation.

I really wanted to address the events of January 6, but I want to wait a few more days because I want to make sure what I share is both reasoned and of God. In the meantime, I’d like to share, again, Lincoln’s prayer. There has historically been some question as to whether or not […]

Why I don’t drink.

Alcohol is the only drug in my experience that I’ve had to explain why I don’t use it.

Two suicides – a reflection.

In these days of COVID-19, it’s hard to remember we’ve been in dark places before. Here’s some thoughts on two very dark days, both of them dealing with suicide. Be encouraged nonetheless. There is always hope.

The moment I became a grownup, Part Two.

If you look back on your own life, you can recognize that you are made up of a series of events, some good, some bad. Each one of those events changed you – sometimes incrementally, sometimes in major ways.

Emotional and spiritual pain

Pain is a gift.

Pain is a gift. Isn’t that just about the most counterintuitive thing you’ve ever heard? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, because there are lots of hurting folks out there. Maybe you’re one of them. Here’s what has me pondering this morning. It’s some ancient script from 1 Peter 4:12-13. It may be […]

hard questions answered

“Why me?” Well, why NOT me?

These are the days when “why me?” or even “why us?” are legitimate questions. How about this one, though: “Why NOT me?” Here’s some answers. You ain’t done here yet.