Your RAS (Reticular Activating System): Three thoughts.

The reason I’m taking a look at the RAS today is because (drum roll!) I’m about to help you understand who you are and why you do and think the things you do. I was today years old when I learned about the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

I know that sounds pretty esoteric, but stick around. You’re about to have your eyes opened.


Jehovah-Jireh: A study on hope, revisited.

We could all use some hope. Because many of us are scared. Jehovah-Jireh is Hebrew, and is translated “The Lord Will Provide.” Of course He will; but why do we so often behave like He won’t?

Brain in chaos

Cruising through chaos, revisited.

Some time back I developed a workshop/course called Cruising Through Chaos. My intent was to equip folks with the proper emotional, mental, and spiritual tools to not only survive the chaos we find ourselves in, but to even thrive in the midst of it.


3 reasons why you’re suffering and what to do about it.

Maybe you aren’t suffering. Perhaps you have in the past. If not, you will in the future. Suffering is part of the human condition. There’s no escaping it. It won’t go away. And, believer, you aren’t exempt from it. If anything, suffering is more common to Christians than not. That is typically not a part […]


Self-care and other wimpy activities.

There’s part of me that tends to think of self-care as the activity of a wimp. That’s not true, of course.

The typical mandate for me, as a believer, has been in the acrostic J.O.Y. – Jesus, others, you. To me, it’s a noble thing to spend myself in the service of others. The betterment of mankind, if you will.

Self-care comes in third place in that schema. I’m wondering if that’s actually the most helpful methodology, or even scriptural.

it's mandatory

It’s mandatory.

I thought with the advent of COVID-19, we could unite against a common foe. No one has been untouched by this blight. My bad. “United” is not a term I’d come close to using. What a shame. It didn’t have to be this way.

Survival of the fittest

Survival of the fittest.

Survival of the fittest. Boy, am I gonna annoy some folks with this one. I don’t intend for You Can Have Hope to be anything but encouraging, and on the surface this one won’t be. But I have lots on my mind, and there is a silver lining in what I’m about to share. Survival […]

When our hearts are hungry.

There is hope for both you and me. Our hope is built on truth, and to the extent that we reject truth, we are just that much closer to being hopeless.

I’ve been struck on social media what is coming from believers. They are talking like lost pagan sinners, and God seems to have no place in their thinking. I’m not so high and mighty as to say I’ve never been there, but I am striving to be honest with all, beginning with myself. 

The vaccine won’t work. This will.

Stick a fork in me. I’m done with this COVID junk. I have to do something for me and for y’all, even if it’s an unlikely remedy. I don’t think it is.

How to live in fear.

Some people live in fear. That fear is dependent on the circumstances they perceive themselves to be in, and the worst fear for many is the fear of dying. It doesn’t have to be that way.

What is truth

What is truth?

There is absolute truth out there. Don’t be afraid of it.