Being Alone vs. Being Lonely.

We were in Laurel last week, visiting with the grandkids, Katherine and Levi, and their expendable parents. (If you’re a grandparent, I don’t need to explain. Katherine and Levi’s parents just tend to get in the way of our fun.) Katherine and Levi would rather eat at Waffle House than any other restaurant in the […]

Trusting God when He is silent.

I went through an awful season some years back. I needed some answers from God Himself — it was one of those “crisis of belief” times that Henry Blackaby so eloquently talked about in “Experiencing God.” This blog deals with that.

Be rational. Be reasonable. Fear not.

I see ads for survival kits cluttering my Facebook feed, promising safety in the face of unspecified threats. How annoying. Today’s blog deals with this.

What do you do when God doesn’t fix things?

There are lots of things I wasn’t aware of when I became a Christian. My faith was shallow, because I was just a baby in the faith. I didn’t know there were times when God doesn’t fix things. I thought if I prayed just the right kind of prayers and believed, then everything would go my way.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

In our modern world, the concept of shame often gets a bad rap. It’s seen as an outdated, negative emotion, something to be avoided at all costs. But have we, in our quest to be free of discomfort, lost sight of the transformative power of shame?

The first dead person I ever saw.

Papa Wilson, my grandfather, died when I was eight years old. This was in 1964. I don’t remember many details about his actual death, but I do remember that he was 84 when he died. I thought that was positively ancient.

The gate of the year, 2024

“The Gate of the Year” is the popular name of a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins. She titled it “God Knows.” This will give you comfort and encouragement as we face 2024.

Being whole.

Thoughts that lead to brokenness are the devil’s way of blocking what God wants you to know about who you are in Christ.


I’ll start with a confessional. Sometimes, Christmas music gets on my nerves. But before you call the grinch squad on me, I’ll explain. And I will use The Little Drummer Boy as a jumping off place.

fried chicken

Ode to Fried Chicken

Here’s something special from me at Thanksgiving. Honesty, I don’t have anything against turkey, but fried chicken transcends any calendar date.