student figuring out life rules

7 life rules for 2023

It seems that some “life rules” for this new year might be in order. There’s nothing magical about these, but they seem pretty appropriate. Fact is, they’re good life rules for any year.

Idyllic christmas village

Lessons from the little drummer boy.

I’ll start with a confessional. Sometimes, Christmas music gets on my nerves. But before you call the grinch squad on me, I’ll explain. And I will use The Little Drummer Boy as a jumping off place.

I love Christmas carols. Love ‘em. I might listen to them year round. But some of the secular stuff can really wear thin. White Christmas? Good with that. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day? Check – I like it.

But Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree? Santa Baby? Mariah Carey? The whole Bob Dylan Christmas album, which is like some sort of surreal fever dream? No thanks, ma‘am.

Then there’s The Little Drummer Boy. More carol than secular. And for some reason I’ve done a deep dive with this one recently.

Thankfulness: A Bible study.

Thankfulness is what Thanksgiving is all about, right? And yet, when thinking about thankfulness, I’m seeing that we have to live with a certain amount of tension, of what are apparently conflicting thoughts. Thankfulness is an attitude we should grasp and hold onto. Countering that, though, is the pervasive presence of evil. How do we […]

kid thinks he's an idiot

He called me an idiot.

So. How does one move on past failure – specifically, how can you not be so hard on yourself?

just be real

Just be real.

The things the Enemy would use to disrupt, derail, and destroy your life are the very things God will use to draw you closer to Himself and use to equip you to help others.

gate of the year

Queen Elizabeth and The Gate of the Year.

The Gate of the Year gave comfort to the Queen Mother all her days, and was a real inspiration to Brits in the Second World War. She had its words engraved on stone plaques and mounted on the gates of the King George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Out of your control

7 things out of my control (Part 1).

There are some things that take up too much headspace for me – specifically, things that are out of my control. I realized when I started writing this particular blog that I had way too much to share in just one sitting. So this will be continued next time, okay? (Teaser!) Fact is, there are […]

Eternity now bible

Eternity now.

Eternity now. Doesn’t that have a nice ring? Recently I was given the opportunity to review a copy of the new NET Eternity Now New Testament. The legal folks at #biblegatewaypartner tell me that I need to mention that I received this Bible for free as a member of the amazing Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. […]

God knows

God knows. 7 thoughts.

God knows.

Actually, He knows everything about you. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows what will be going on in your life on November 5, 2022, 7:13  p.m.

That’s called omnipotence. God knows all.

I don’t even begin to comprehend that.

My understanding of that truth, though, is actually pretty comforting. Maybe you knowing God knows will comfort you, too.

You screwed up

You screwed up. So did I.

I screwed up. You did too. Think about it. If you backtrack through your life, you can come up with a painfully long list of times you screwed up. Some of those incidents were no big deal, like not picking up something at Walmart that was on your shopping list. Other times you’ve screwed up […]

bury your head in the sand

Be an ostrich.

There is a common belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand because they think that if they can’t see a predator, then the predator can’t see them. This belief is a handy metaphor for the person who thinks if a problem is ignored it will simply go away. I’m going to advocate, though, that there are times when it’s appropriate for us to bury our heads in the sand – not as so to ignore a problem with the forlorn hope that it’ll go away, but rather picking and choosing what problems we can safely ignore simply because we need to guard our own hearts.

Settle down. 5 thoughts.

There is an absolute necessity of rest. Relax. Settle down. Through this you gain strength, your mind is clearer, and you can face all of life’s crazy challenges supernaturally ready.