What do you do when God doesn’t fix things?

There are lots of things I wasn’t aware of when I became a Christian. My faith was shallow, because I was just a baby in the faith. I didn’t know there were times when God doesn’t fix things. I thought if I prayed just the right kind of prayers and believed, then everything would go my way.

How to suffer well.

Christianity doesn’t give us a free pass out of suffering. You will suffer. I guarantee it. It’s right and proper to acknowledge you’re hurting, and hurting bad. Just because you’re a Christian doesn’t mean your suffering will be any easier or more endurable What it does mean is that you can see your suffering as one point in a timeline that stretches out into eternity. For Christians, that means that the best is still ahead of us.

moving from brokenness to wholeness

Moving from brokenness to wholeness.

This “brokenness to wholeness” paradigm is a pony I’m riding hard these days. Why? Because I’m seeing broken Christians everywhere I turn, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. So in these days I want to contribute to the Kingdom by addressing this, and even providing some tools to move hurting believers in […]

Playing the odds.

You don’t have to play the odds. Some things in life are guaranteed. That should give you some real comfort.

Grieve appropriately.

All change involves an element of loss. Even good changes. If you’re single and marry the love of your life, you lose some independence. If you begin a new job, you lose the familiarity of where you once worked. If you move to a new place, you lose the comfort that comes from knowing your […]