God in a box.

Have you ever been guilty of putting God in a box?

Before you rise up in ire at me, let me explain.

All my life – and I mean all my life – I’ve tended to go to extremes when thinking about God and relating to Him.

For me, He can be a God of extremes. He’s either the God of all comfort, or the God of white-hot rage. Same coin, two sides, I’d reason.

That is putting God in a box. It’s a subtle form of idolatry – it’s like I’m forcing Him (at least in my head) to be something He may or may not be.

In that context, there may have been times when I presumed to tell God how He ought to handle me. If I was experiencing joy and grace, I’d say, “Oh, God, I don’t deserve this. I haven’t earned this. How can you be so gracious to such a worm as I?”

Conversely, I might say in times of heartache and sorrow, “God, you need to lay off me. In football, I’d call this ‘piling on.’ You need to cut me some slack.”

Neither one of these sentiments is exactly wrong. But it does smack of trying to put God in a box. If He’s in a box, then it’s easy enough to examine Him. He’s limited, right?

There is a subtle danger in trying to “figure out” God. Certainly He revealed Himself in Jesus, and that should be sufficient. Still, we sometimes want answers, and we want them on our terms, in a way that suits us.

As always, I’m not discrediting the primal cry prayer of “why?” I’m all about being honest and transparent with the Almighty (as if He didn’t know my heart already.) What I’m getting at is just for us to understand and accept that about the time you think you have it all figured out, and have God in a box, He’s fixin’ to bust the box.

There are some pretty significant implications here for all of us. Those implications should give you lots of hope and encouragement.

We tend to put God in one of two boxes, which I’ve already hinted at. He is either all-loving, approving of whatever we do (mutant grace – more on that in a minute); or He’s all-judging, condemning us for the way we live our lives.

So …

  • He is all-loving, and He delights in forgiveness. That’s grace. But mutant grace is when we take His nature for granted. Yes, if you’re a believer, you are forgiven. Forgiven of all your sins – past, present, future. But we are not to exploit that. That particular box will be blown to smithereens, because even though you’re forgiven, He won’t tolerate known, willful sin.
  • God has subtle ways to correct us and bring us back into a right relationship with Him. Okay … sometimes He isn’t so subtle. Grace is free, but it’s not cheap. Point is, He’s going to do whatever He needs to in order to conform you to the image of Jesus. Hold on tight.
  • Conversely, if you check out the other box, it’s not airtight either. He is a God of rage – He hates sin in all its manifestations. He won’t tolerate it. But – and this is a big but – He is so, so patient. He gives us plenty of plenty of chances to live a life that honors Him. He’s not some cosmic potentate demanding His pound of flesh.

What are the implications of this for you personally? What happens when you insist in trying to put God in a box?

  • Think about the times when you expected God to act a certain way and He didn’t. How did that make you feel?
  • His ways are not your ways. Neither are His thoughts your thoughts.
  • He always, always, always has His best interests in mind, not yours. He doesn’t exist to please you.
  • HOWEVER – He loves you unspeakably lots, and all that He does in and through and with you is in the context of that love.
  • I promise – God is a God of surprises. He will always act according to His nature, and He will always bring glory to Himself. The surprise comes when we think we have it all figured out, and He shows us a part of His nature we weren’t expecting. That, actually, is pretty cool.

So forget trying to put God in a box. It won’t work.

God does not lower His standards to accommodate us, but instead He extends to us the nail-scarred hand of forgiveness to raise us up to His level of righteousness.

O be joyful.

The most extreme makeover.

HEAD’S UP! It’s Day 3 of my 12-book giveaway contest. Enter HERE!

It takes an extreme makeover. Life does, I mean.

Our daughter Amy and son-in-law Stone (and, of course, the grandbabies, Katherine and Levi) live in Laurel, Mississippi. Laurel’s a sweet southern town, but in recent times has gained national exposure because of a show on HGTV, Home Town.

The show is centered around Ben and Erin Napier, a thirtysomething couple who work with individuals, couples, and families in restoring homes in Laurel. Laurel is full of quaint, historic homes – if you’re a fan of the arts and crafts/bungalow style, you’ll be as happy as an alligator on a chicken farm. Erin’s the artist and designer, Ben is the hands-on craftsman, and with their team of friends, relatives, and other geniuses, they work what I think are little miracles with the properties they tackle. Since Laurel is a smallish town, and distinctly southern, everyone knows everyone else – or are just a couple of degrees away from knowing everyone else. Amy, for example, works for Adam Trest – his and Lily’s was one of the first homes the Napiers tackled for the show. They’re all good buddies.

(Shameless promo here. Check out some of Adam’s handiwork. It’s also available here.)

In other words, the Napiers do makeovers. In the world of HGTV and DIY, they are not alone. Their fans eat it up.

There is something appealing about taking something in shambles and restoring it. Part of the appeal of Home Town is that, in the course of one episode, you can see a home that looks like the most unlikely place to live transformed into a cozy showplace. Indeed, all of Laurel is in the midst of a renaissance. Old timers scratch their heads, bemused that their little town has become a destination spot for road-trippers. I love it.

Think you need a makeover? It takes an extreme makeover.

People are into personal makeovers too, y’know. There are gyms, and diets, and plastic surgeons. There are life coaches. There are about a gazillion self-help gurus out there.

I’m not devaluing any of these. What they are evidence of, though, is this internal sense people have that they are not completely what they want or need to be.

Most folks would think of personal makeovers as a physical thing. Makeovers could also be educational (like going back to school to learn a skill, trade, or just to have a degree). Certainly mental and emotional makeovers can happen through counseling and therapy.

But. How can one’s spirit be made over?

Our current pervasive worldview would inform us that being spiritual, as opposed to being religious or (gasp!) Christian, is a good thing.

But I’m driving a personal stake down right here. I’d contend that nothing can makeover your spirit and soul except Jesus Christ Himself.

I never wanted my blog to be just a feel-good devotional thought. However, I’m about to go full-throttle Christian on ya. If I took any other route, I’d be dishonest and disingenuous.

I have tried to make over myself many times.  I live in a fairly constant state of being hard on myself, simply because I’ve felt that I was capable of so much more than I was contributing to the world. I’ve taken on all sorts of self-improvement tactics (I won’t take time to catalogue them here, but I’d just say I’ve been down a lot of roads), and the results at best were fleeting.

I guess I’ve always known that the only change, the only makeover that lasts, happens to come from the hands of God. Heck, I’ve known that for years. Problem is, I’ve sometimes been guilty of turning to Him as the last resort.

These things I know (and you might just know, too. But let’s take a refresher.)

  • If you’re a Christian, God did not give you eternal salvation because of anything you’ve done, good or bad. He saved you because of His love for you. I know that’s Christianity 101, but the implications are just staggering. In essence, all the pressure is off you. You don’t have to perform or produce to stay in God’s good graces. There is nothing you can possibly do that would cause Him to not love you.
  • He has plans for you. He delights in watching you work and develop those plans. You are His favorite project.
  • His love doesn’t depend on you being the smartest person in the room. Listen again – you don’t even have to be good to be loved by Him. (You should probably want to be good, though.)
  • His love is based on His goodness, not yours.

This is amazing stuff. Fill your mind with His wonder. Let it flood your body. You’re safe because His loving arms are around you and His heavenly angels surround you.

This is life: Burdens will weigh you down. Wickedness will hold you back from experiencing joy. Don’t you long to be set free, to feel clean inside and out?

The beauty  is that you don’t have to strive to fix things on your own. As a believer, you have a supernatural helper. A counselor. A friend like no other.

Ancient script states this:

He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. *

You probably aren’t looking for some theological treastice here, so I’ll not offer one. This isn’t the time to deal with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Just considering the verses I cited, here’s the breakdown:

  • From the moment you grasp onto faith in Jesus Christ, you are “possessed,” if you will, by the Holy Spirit. He shapes your life in a new way. You are no longer your own. Jesus takes you and renews you. Like a makeover, right?
  • See how special you are? Christ knew in this life you’d have questions and troubles. You may feel alone, but God makes a way for you to never be alone. Embrace this.
  • The question must be asked: What might keep you from doing this? It’s an exchanged life – yours for His. I’m guessing many folks balk at the thought of not being “the master of their fates, the captain of their souls.” Here’s your sign – you have never had the final say-so over your life. You may think you do, and you have all sorts of free choices you can make, but the final outcome is forever and all time out of your hands. My reasonable faith teaches me that if I don’t have the last word, it’d be wise to trust the one who does, and be moldable and available to Him.
  • The implication, then, is that no matter what the world throws at you, you are spiritually bulletproof.
  • I mean, dang. In the flesh, you may not be anything special. But because He’s shown extraordinary compassion and mercy to you, filled you with His Holy Spirit, you are totally cleansed from all guilt, shame, and perceived inadequacies. Whatever good is in you, whatever abilities you have, is there because He’s poured out His Spirit on you. He wanted to do this.

I’ll tell you what this means. It means He can transform your desires, rearrange your priorities, and realign your mind with Christ’s. In His power you can break the chains of addiction, conquer giants, and discern the lies of the Enemy. He can enable you to overcome every obstacle the world puts in your way so you can become everything God asks you to be.

I’m not sure why only a handful of believers choose to claim these promises. I may try to deal with that later. I have some thoughts about why most Christians lead fruitless, defeated lives. (Hint: It ain’t God’s fault. But beating yourself up over it doesn’t help, either.)

Here’s my marching orders for all of us:

  • Let God revive your heart.
  • Ask Him to renew your faith.
  • Beg that He fill you with childlike energy so you can persevere through trying times.
  • Sense His all-consuming love.
  • Relax in His goodness.
  • Learn to listen to His promptings and obey. Right then.
  • Let the world see His beauty and His transforming life-changing power in you.

These are lofty thoughts, and God knows that I fail, and spectacularly. But just because I have to soar on eagle’s wings to experience Him is no excuse for me to be content with plodding along with my eyes on the ground. It takes an extreme makeover to experience the reality of Christ. I’m open to that.

*Titus 3:5-6

HEAD’S UP! It’s Day 3 of my 12-book giveaway contest. Enter HERE!