A dirty mind.

A dirty mind? This blog probably isn’t what you were expecting. Our default position would be that a dirty mind refers to pornography, sleazy sexual behavior and thoughts, things like that. There’s that age-old stereotype of the “dirty old man.” Actually, dirty old men start out as dirty young men, but that’s not what I’m […]

strength to persevere

Strength to persevere.

To persevere simply means to “hang in there.” It doesn’t mean you have to be a hero. It doesn’t call for some superhuman effort. It just means that you’re not going to let “it” – whatever “it” is – in your life overwhelm you.

How to live in fear.

Some people live in fear. That fear is dependent on the circumstances they perceive themselves to be in, and the worst fear for many is the fear of dying. It doesn’t have to be that way.

The gate of the year – revisited.

NOTE: I first posted this blog, The Gate of the Year, back in June. I’m not one to recycle my posts, but, I dunno. It came to mind this morning during my quiet time. So many folks as of this writing are on edge, strung out, worried senseless. This was comforting back in June, and […]

Messed up in the head.

You ever have those days when you feel messed up in the head? It can happen, even to saints of God.

When God takes His hands off.

When God takes His hands off you, or a people, or a situation, what happens next? This is a really sobering thought for me today. I’m not a theologian nor the son of a theologian, but I’m trying to work intuitively here. Here’s my little thesis: God allows things to happen He doesn’t like. When […]

The moment I became a grownup, Part Two.

If you look back on your own life, you can recognize that you are made up of a series of events, some good, some bad. Each one of those events changed you – sometimes incrementally, sometimes in major ways.

Have you lost your mind

Have you lost your mind?

It seems like collectively the world has lost it’s mind. Question is – have you lost YOUR mind? The truth may surprise you.

Behavior chain

The Behavior Chain

Struggling with habits you’d rather not have? Meet the behavior chain.

Interpersonal communication

Getting personal.

Getting personal means getting interpersonal. Here’s some guidelines to positive communication.

Can you change

Can you change?

Most of us aren’t content with where we are in life. That’s not a negative statement. It’s just an acknowledgement that we could be and do better.

To move from where we are to where we’d like to be involves change. Can you change? Yes indeed.