judge and hero

The judge and the hero.

Yes, I’m guilty. Yes, I am forgiven.
Yes, You judge me. Yes, You cleanse me.
Yes, I deserve Your wrath. Yes, Jesus takes the full force of it.

Encouragement for two

6 ways to experience encouragement.

You’re aware that your attitudes, and the actions that grow from them, are stifling your growth. You get frustrated, and paralyzed, and you stay in the same sorry state you’re already in. And THAT leads to self-loathing and a sense of being unworthy. Let’s fix that.

Compassionate and upright

Compassionate and upright – 4 truths.

I ran across this quote from E.B. White (you read Charlotte’s Web, right?) and it is haunting me, because it has to do with being compassionate and upright. I want to tease this one out. “As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the contagion may spread […]

Getting unstuck

3 Ways To Get Unstuck

Are you stuck and need to be unstuck? The thing is – life doesn’t stand still. You are either growing or decaying. You are either stuck (which means you need to get unstuck) or moving along.

Better life

6 ways to make a better life.

Who wouldn’t want a better life? It can be yours. What was it the old preacher said? “Put the hay where the sheep can get to it.” Maybe today you’re feeling sheepish, and need some good hay. I hope this’ll fit the bill.

attitude adjustment

5 ways to fix your attitude.

You ever have one of those weeks when it seems like the cosmos is conspiring against you? That hammers your attitude. It gives you an excuse to have a bad one.

I don’t care

When you just don’t care anymore.

“I don’t care” is an alien phrase for me. Lord knows that I tend to care too much, if that’s possible. Or, maybe, I don’t care in the way I should.

Brain in chaos

Cruising through chaos, revisited.

Some time back I developed a workshop/course called Cruising Through Chaos. My intent was to equip folks with the proper emotional, mental, and spiritual tools to not only survive the chaos we find ourselves in, but to even thrive in the midst of it.

Getting rest

Getting rest.

I think so many of our problems in life grow from our inability to simply be still.

It’s matter of sitting down with God, asking “Is there anything you need to tell me?” And then just shutting the heck up and listening.

I hate cancer.

I’ll bet that you or your friends or family have all been touched by this insidious disease. How do we deal with it (and I’m not just talking about physical cancer, either.)