Your RAS (Reticular Activating System): Three thoughts.

The reason I’m taking a look at the RAS today is because (drum roll!) I’m about to help you understand who you are and why you do and think the things you do. I was today years old when I learned about the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

I know that sounds pretty esoteric, but stick around. You’re about to have your eyes opened.

I can’t do it

That thing you can’t do – 6 points of reasoning.

Do you tell yourself there’s a thing you can’t do? What is it, and why is it an issue?

There’s a concept out there called “self-limiting beliefs.” You can take a look at what that’s about here. The term crops up in personal growth or self-help literature. Basically, self-limiting beliefs are assumptions or perceptions that you’ve got about yourself and about the way the world works.

No condemnation, now or ever.

No condemnation. That’s sounds pretty wonderful, right? It’s the birthright of the Christian, and sometimes that’s easily forgotten. It’s human to try to better ourselves or want to clean ourselves up or to “do more.” We want to hit a “reset” button every day. It doesn’t work that way.


Self-care and other wimpy activities.

There’s part of me that tends to think of self-care as the activity of a wimp. That’s not true, of course.

The typical mandate for me, as a believer, has been in the acrostic J.O.Y. – Jesus, others, you. To me, it’s a noble thing to spend myself in the service of others. The betterment of mankind, if you will.

Self-care comes in third place in that schema. I’m wondering if that’s actually the most helpful methodology, or even scriptural.

Love all

Love all, serve all, get punished.

Love all? I suppose that, even when you have the best intentions, some folks will misunderstand you – maybe even slam you.

Ryman auditorium

The Hipster Southern Baptist Convention: Inside Baseball

I hadn’t planned on saying much about the SBC, simply because of my thinking that it would be of limited interest, especially to non-Southern Baptists. 

But I’ve received a significant number of requests to talk about it, to share my take, and see if there are any universal encouragements to be found there. 

Good old days

These are the good old days.

These sure have been some challenging days. But I’d suggest that for many, these will be their good old days. Here’s why.

I am responsible

I am responsible.

Did you know that you are responsible for, well, most all of yourself – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually? Check this out.

How to reduce the pain in the world.

Your job is to reduce the pain in the world. Where do you start? The title of this blog was a little clickbaitish for sure, and you may have elected to read this because you thought you might find some answers. Sorry, pal. This isn’t the answer you wanted. What I did want to do […]

The vaccine won’t work. This will.

Stick a fork in me. I’m done with this COVID junk. I have to do something for me and for y’all, even if it’s an unlikely remedy. I don’t think it is.

Holding out for hope: A guest blog by Adam Trest.

Y’all know I purely love having guest bloggers. So I’m so so pleased to welcome Adam Trest to our special place! Here’s his official bio: Adam Trest is a full time studio artist working and living in Laurel, MS with his wife Lily, and his daughters Fincher and Poppy. He is represented by The Caron […]