Being Alone vs. Being Lonely.

We were in Laurel last week, visiting with the grandkids, Katherine and Levi, and their expendable parents. (If you’re a grandparent, I don’t need to explain. Katherine and Levi’s parents just tend to get in the way of our fun.) Katherine and Levi would rather eat at Waffle House than any other restaurant in the […]

Trusting God when He is silent.

I went through an awful season some years back. I needed some answers from God Himself — it was one of those “crisis of belief” times that Henry Blackaby so eloquently talked about in “Experiencing God.” This blog deals with that.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

In our modern world, the concept of shame often gets a bad rap. It’s seen as an outdated, negative emotion, something to be avoided at all costs. But have we, in our quest to be free of discomfort, lost sight of the transformative power of shame?

Does Jesus lead or follow?

The way we deal with uncertainty says a lot about whether Jesus is ahead of us leading or if we’ve put Him behind us to carry our stuff.

Embracing Authenticity In Trials

If there’s one thing we can take solace in, it’s the knowledge that our struggles don’t catch God off guard. He sees them, understands them, and has a purpose behind each one.

A Personal Whisper in a Grand Universe

Have you ever had one of those moments where you find yourself caught up in the grandiosity of the world? Where you might feel, just for a second, a tad bit tiny in the grand scheme of things?

Dancing With God’s Purpose

Our battles are first won or lost in the secret places of our will, never in full view of the world. You’ll never have any idea what other people are really going through. Just know that other believers wrestle with God’s will, just like you.

You can always choose the quality of your life.

In spite of the flow of time, I can make choices as how to use it. Things around me change all the time. I just need to make wise decisions in the midst of all that change. I am not powerless. I can choose.

Forgiving God.

Forgiving God may seem like an unusual concept in Christian theology. After all, isn’t God, who is perfect and sinless, the one who forgives us?