Forgiving God.

Forgiving God may seem like an unusual concept in Christian theology. After all, isn’t God, who is perfect and sinless, the one who forgives us?

teenagers studying the bible

The NIV Student Bible – new and darn good.

This Bible delivers the goods. It’s geared toward students, but the more I delved into it, the more I realized that restricting it to simply an audience of “students” does the rest of us a disservice. I’ll use this one in my own studies. It’s that helpful.

man struggling with his faith and hope

Faith. Where’s yours?

I’ll admit that I woke up this morning and took a look at one of my aggregate news sites before getting in any Jesus time. That little exercise might have just skewed my whole day. Instead of basking in the love of Jesus, I saw – as if I didn’t know – just how awful this temporal world is. 

procrastinating and overcoming procrastination

Overcoming procrastination – 8 strategies.

Procrastination. I’m so good at it I could teach it on the graduate level. I’ve tended to blow procrastination off as just a “thing,” a tendency that isn’t exactly laziness but just a desire to put things off. Never put off anything until tomorrow unless you can put it off till next week, right? Yet, […]

negative self-talk

Negative self-talk and other perils of life.

As Christians, we believe that we are created in the image of God and that God loves us unconditionally. However, sometimes we forget this truth and allow negative self-talk to take over our minds. This is a pretty nasty deal.

Recovering from disappointment.

 Disappointment. Show of hands – who enjoys being disappointed? I don’t see any. I’m appalled. I thought everyone likes being disappointed and let down. This, of course, is a poking the bear kind of question, and if you’ve read my stuff for any length of time, you know I have an agenda. Disappointment is absolutely […]

the meaning of life

Embracing self-pity.

If you’re going to embrace self-pity, you might as well embrace misery. It’s a funny thing. Some people simply seem to enjoy feeling bad for themselves. Respectfully, if that’s true of you, I have a simple question: How has self-pity helped you improve your life? I get it. I do. This is one of those […]

student figuring out life rules

7 life rules for 2023

It seems that some “life rules” for this new year might be in order. There’s nothing magical about these, but they seem pretty appropriate. Fact is, they’re good life rules for any year.

in awe of a starry night in the style of Thomas Kinkaid

10 resolutions for mental and spiritual flourishing

Sometimes I run across something that is so meaningful, so provocative, and so timely that I simply stand back in awe. This is from a gentleman named Clyde S. Kilby, and it’s sublime.

jigsaw puzzle being completed and made whole

Being whole: 7 thoughts.

What does it look like to be whole? I want to be whole. I’ve been on this kick of moving from brokenness to wholeness. You probably have recognized this. I’ve figured this out – not because I’m all that brilliant, but just because it’s self-evident. The thought is to be complete in Christ. That’s what […]