Two suicides – a reflection.

In these days of COVID-19, it’s hard to remember we’ve been in dark places before. Here’s some thoughts on two very dark days, both of them dealing with suicide. Be encouraged nonetheless. There is always hope.

The moment I became a grownup, Part Two.

If you look back on your own life, you can recognize that you are made up of a series of events, some good, some bad. Each one of those events changed you – sometimes incrementally, sometimes in major ways.

Became a grownup

The moment I became a grownup.

There are mileposts in all of our lives – events that changed us forever, for good or bad. This is the story of the moment I became a grownup. Perhaps you can see a little of yourself here, because we ALL have stories to tell.

A tale of two suicides.

Two suicides. Actually, one was a singular suicide. The other was a group of 19 men who committed suicide on the same day. One was performed as a final act of hopelessness. The other, the group suicide, was performed as a noble act of victory. On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists who were members of […]