Little drummer boy

The little drummer boy.

I’ve revisited the little drummer boy. I am so sweetly encouraged by him.

God in a box.

If you try to put God in a box, He’s fixin’ to bust the box.

Why me?

I’ve prayed plenty of prayers that started with “Why me?” And that’s okay.

angry iphone

Quit complaining.

I’d like for you to (a) be able to develop some coping skills when dealing with complainers, and (b) how to recognize your own tendencies toward complaining and consequently do something about it.

Life calling

What were you put here to do?

Many people drift aimlessly through life wondering what it is they were put here to do. Here is one answer.

Coffee in heart beans

Elizabeth’s story.

Let Elizabeth’s story encourage and bless you. Today’s guest blog.

No more hiding.

So, whatever you are right now, no more hiding. God says you’re worthy.