disappointed in myself

Embracing Disappointment: How to Move On and Thrive.

Disappointment is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a missed promotion, a failed relationship, or an unexpected event, we all experience letdowns from time to time. But disappointment doesn’t have to define us or keep us stuck.

looking toward the future with hope

No shame to ask for prayer.

The thing is, it’s not like faking being sick to get out of school or work. I’ve been having to fake being well.

Totally Consumed: My Identity Crisis. By Meyah Doyle.

Note from Tony: I had the opportunity to meet Meyah at the Mississippi Baptist State Speakers Tournament. The tourney is open to high school students, who are tasked with sharing a speech with judges. Winners of the tournament are awarded literally thousands of dollars in scholarships. Meyah is a 12th grader from Petal, Mississippi. I […]

living in fear

Why are we living in fear?

When Jesus was arrested, the disciples bolted and ran. At the crucifixion itself, I’m guessing some of them felt close to despair. They deserted Him because they were flat-out scared, and the best some of them could manage while Jesus was on the cross was to watch from a distance.

finding hope in the midst of struggles

Finding Hope In the Midst of Struggles.

I’m all about finding hope in the midst of struggles. Life is full of struggles, challenges, and difficulties that can sometimes make us feel hopeless and helpless. Whether it’s dealing with sickness, financial problems, broken relationships, or any other kind of setback, it’s easy to lose faith and feel like there’s no way out. However, […]

negative self-talk

Negative self-talk and other perils of life.

As Christians, we believe that we are created in the image of God and that God loves us unconditionally. However, sometimes we forget this truth and allow negative self-talk to take over our minds. This is a pretty nasty deal.

student figuring out life rules

7 life rules for 2023

It seems that some “life rules” for this new year might be in order. There’s nothing magical about these, but they seem pretty appropriate. Fact is, they’re good life rules for any year.

Idyllic christmas village

Lessons from the little drummer boy.

I’ll start with a confessional. Sometimes, Christmas music gets on my nerves. But before you call the grinch squad on me, I’ll explain. And I will use The Little Drummer Boy as a jumping off place.

I love Christmas carols. Love ‘em. I might listen to them year round. But some of the secular stuff can really wear thin. White Christmas? Good with that. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day? Check – I like it.

But Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree? Santa Baby? Mariah Carey? The whole Bob Dylan Christmas album, which is like some sort of surreal fever dream? No thanks, ma‘am.

Then there’s The Little Drummer Boy. More carol than secular. And for some reason I’ve done a deep dive with this one recently.

jigsaw puzzle being completed and made whole

Being whole: 7 thoughts.

What does it look like to be whole? I want to be whole. I’ve been on this kick of moving from brokenness to wholeness. You probably have recognized this. I’ve figured this out – not because I’m all that brilliant, but just because it’s self-evident. The thought is to be complete in Christ. That’s what […]