when chaos comes

When chaos comes.

What do you do when chaos comes? 

These are turbulent times. It seems that just about when we approach some sense of normalcy, another crisis comes. When chaos comes, how do we best handle that?

Even when you’re following Jesus, disorder and confusion can invade your life. When chaos comes to visit, it’s helpful to know how not only to weather those times, but to prevail during them.

all stressed out

Why am I stressed out?

“I’m stressed out.” You ever said that? Is that where you’re living right now? I watch people I know and love in recent days teeter on the verge of a “come apart” (and if you’re not a Southerner, I don’t know if that communicates well. If you’re one of my foreign readers, it just means that you are about to break down, have a fit, or conniption, or whatever.) They are legitimately stressed out.

Antisocial media.

I’m not sure why social media isn’t called antisocial media. Most everyone seems to agree that life is getting busier, crazier, and more frantic with each passing day. We’re bombarded by more information than we know how to process—news, ads, commercials, blogs, tweets, music, pics, and more ads. Crazier still is that we have more […]

Being a pawn in God’s chess game.

This blog gets at the guts of some awfully hard questions. As in … why is there evil in the world? Why is there so much pain and suffering? Why do righteous, godly people experience such heartache? The innocent suffer – how can it be?

Prayer for the nation.

I really wanted to address the events of January 6, but I want to wait a few more days because I want to make sure what I share is both reasoned and of God. In the meantime, I’d like to share, again, Lincoln’s prayer. There has historically been some question as to whether or not […]

The vaccine won’t work. This will.

Stick a fork in me. I’m done with this COVID junk. I have to do something for me and for y’all, even if it’s an unlikely remedy. I don’t think it is.

What is truth

What is truth?

There is absolute truth out there. Don’t be afraid of it.

Messed up in the head.

You ever have those days when you feel messed up in the head? It can happen, even to saints of God.

Breaking Up with the Perfect Christmas – a guest blog by Amy Carroll.

I love having guest bloggers grace You Can Have Hope! I’ve been reading Amy’s stuff for a while now, and think what she has to say is sweetly wonderful. I heartily recommend her to you all. Amy Carroll is a speaker and writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries. She’s the author of Breaking Up with Perfect […]

My “why.”

I am so, so over the pandemic. Problem is, the world isn’t over it. And it’s wearing on all of us. Here’s what we can do.

Give me a break.

We all need a break from time to time. It’s possible that we might need a break from each other. Let’s call it caregiver fatigue. It’s a thing.

Have you lost your mind

Have you lost your mind?

It seems like collectively the world has lost it’s mind. Question is – have you lost YOUR mind? The truth may surprise you.