disappointed in myself

Embracing Disappointment: How to Move On and Thrive.

Disappointment is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a missed promotion, a failed relationship, or an unexpected event, we all experience letdowns from time to time. But disappointment doesn’t have to define us or keep us stuck.

Recovering from disappointment.

 Disappointment. Show of hands – who enjoys being disappointed? I don’t see any. I’m appalled. I thought everyone likes being disappointed and let down. This, of course, is a poking the bear kind of question, and if you’ve read my stuff for any length of time, you know I have an agenda. Disappointment is absolutely […]

You screwed up

You screwed up. So did I.

I screwed up. You did too. Think about it. If you backtrack through your life, you can come up with a painfully long list of times you screwed up. Some of those incidents were no big deal, like not picking up something at Walmart that was on your shopping list. Other times you’ve screwed up […]

lighthouse at sunrise

Take refuge.

A ship’s captain keeps his eyes fixed on the lighthouse and ignores the wind and waves during a storm.