in your control

8 things in your control, Part 2.

Let’s talk about eight things in your control. Last week I shared seven things that were out of your control, so this time around we’ll balance that out. Last week was a reality check for most of us. Today, though, take heart. There are things in your control. You just have to act.

Eternity now bible

Eternity now.

Eternity now. Doesn’t that have a nice ring? Recently I was given the opportunity to review a copy of the new NET Eternity Now New Testament. The legal folks at #biblegatewaypartner tell me that I need to mention that I received this Bible for free as a member of the amazing Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. […]

You screwed up

You screwed up. So did I.

I screwed up. You did too. Think about it. If you backtrack through your life, you can come up with a painfully long list of times you screwed up. Some of those incidents were no big deal, like not picking up something at Walmart that was on your shopping list. Other times you’ve screwed up […]

Never give up

Why you should never give up.

You should never give up. It’s easy to just call it quits, y’know? And perhaps there are times when you need to say, “I got nuthin’. I don’t need to continue this track. I need to protect myself.”

Granted. That’s not what I’m talking about. In one sense, there are times when it’s absolutely appropriate to back away. Rather, I’m talking about throwing in the proverbial towel just because things are horrendously tough.

Living in fear

Living in fear.

There are plenty of Very Bad Things that can cause folks to live in fear. At the Easter season, it seems right to deal decisively with fears and embrace the cross.

Encouragement for two

6 ways to experience encouragement.

You’re aware that your attitudes, and the actions that grow from them, are stifling your growth. You get frustrated, and paralyzed, and you stay in the same sorry state you’re already in. And THAT leads to self-loathing and a sense of being unworthy. Let’s fix that.

Compassionate and upright

Compassionate and upright – 4 truths.

I ran across this quote from E.B. White (you read Charlotte’s Web, right?) and it is haunting me, because it has to do with being compassionate and upright. I want to tease this one out. “As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the contagion may spread […]

I can’t do it

That thing you can’t do – 6 points of reasoning.

Do you tell yourself there’s a thing you can’t do? What is it, and why is it an issue?

There’s a concept out there called “self-limiting beliefs.” You can take a look at what that’s about here. The term crops up in personal growth or self-help literature. Basically, self-limiting beliefs are assumptions or perceptions that you’ve got about yourself and about the way the world works.

I’m sorry

I’m sorry.

What makes it so hard for some people to apologize and simply say “I’m sorry?” Do they think it’s a sign of weakness? It is a belief that they’re never wrong?

Thanksgiving meal

Thanksgiving, the real deal.

I’d just bet that as you approach Thanksgiving, you’re busy. The holidays can wear you out.