Your RAS (Reticular Activating System): Three thoughts.

The reason I’m taking a look at the RAS today is because (drum roll!) I’m about to help you understand who you are and why you do and think the things you do. I was today years old when I learned about the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

I know that sounds pretty esoteric, but stick around. You’re about to have your eyes opened.

attitude adjustment

5 ways to fix your attitude.

You ever have one of those weeks when it seems like the cosmos is conspiring against you? That hammers your attitude. It gives you an excuse to have a bad one.

I don’t care

When you just don’t care anymore.

“I don’t care” is an alien phrase for me. Lord knows that I tend to care too much, if that’s possible. Or, maybe, I don’t care in the way I should.

Brain in chaos

Cruising through chaos, revisited.

Some time back I developed a workshop/course called Cruising Through Chaos. My intent was to equip folks with the proper emotional, mental, and spiritual tools to not only survive the chaos we find ourselves in, but to even thrive in the midst of it.


The Dead Parents Society.

Are you a member of the Dead Parents Society?
What is odd was that I’ve found that leaning into grief is more helpful than ignoring it or tucking it away. It sounds morbid to talk about embracing pain, but that may be part of the healing process.

I hate cancer.

I’ll bet that you or your friends or family have all been touched by this insidious disease. How do we deal with it (and I’m not just talking about physical cancer, either.)

who's on first

Who’s on first?

Who’s on first? For most folks – at least those of us of a certain age – that phrase conjured up memories of one of the all-time classic comedy sketches which sprung from the comedic team of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. Many, many years ago, my son Jeremy and I went through an obsessive […]

when chaos comes

When chaos comes.

What do you do when chaos comes? 

These are turbulent times. It seems that just about when we approach some sense of normalcy, another crisis comes. When chaos comes, how do we best handle that?

Even when you’re following Jesus, disorder and confusion can invade your life. When chaos comes to visit, it’s helpful to know how not only to weather those times, but to prevail during them.

Down and out.

God can be the source of pain (there’s something else I didn’t learn in Sunday School), but He is also the source of blessings. Those who trust in God should never fear His ultimate plans for us.