when disaster strikes

When Disaster Strikes

As Christians, our first response to personal disasters should be to stand firm in faith. Disclaimer: That ain’t always easy.

Forgiving God.

Forgiving God may seem like an unusual concept in Christian theology. After all, isn’t God, who is perfect and sinless, the one who forgives us?

teenagers studying the bible

The NIV Student Bible – new and darn good.

This Bible delivers the goods. It’s geared toward students, but the more I delved into it, the more I realized that restricting it to simply an audience of “students” does the rest of us a disservice. I’ll use this one in my own studies. It’s that helpful.

Totally Consumed: My Identity Crisis. By Meyah Doyle.

Note from Tony: I had the opportunity to meet Meyah at the Mississippi Baptist State Speakers Tournament. The tourney is open to high school students, who are tasked with sharing a speech with judges. Winners of the tournament are awarded literally thousands of dollars in scholarships. Meyah is a 12th grader from Petal, Mississippi. I […]

man struggling with his faith and hope

Faith. Where’s yours?

I’ll admit that I woke up this morning and took a look at one of my aggregate news sites before getting in any Jesus time. That little exercise might have just skewed my whole day. Instead of basking in the love of Jesus, I saw – as if I didn’t know – just how awful this temporal world is. 

procrastinating and overcoming procrastination

Overcoming procrastination – 8 strategies.

Procrastination. I’m so good at it I could teach it on the graduate level. I’ve tended to blow procrastination off as just a “thing,” a tendency that isn’t exactly laziness but just a desire to put things off. Never put off anything until tomorrow unless you can put it off till next week, right? Yet, […]

finding hope in the midst of struggles

Finding Hope In the Midst of Struggles.

I’m all about finding hope in the midst of struggles. Life is full of struggles, challenges, and difficulties that can sometimes make us feel hopeless and helpless. Whether it’s dealing with sickness, financial problems, broken relationships, or any other kind of setback, it’s easy to lose faith and feel like there’s no way out. However, […]

negative self-talk

Negative self-talk and other perils of life.

As Christians, we believe that we are created in the image of God and that God loves us unconditionally. However, sometimes we forget this truth and allow negative self-talk to take over our minds. This is a pretty nasty deal.

persistence and perseverance

Perseverance – how to hang in there.

Perseverance. Hanging in there. We need to talk about this. I’d contend that a lot of the problems and issues we face are due to simply giving up too soon. We got tired, or distracted, or listened to our inner demons.

plot to overthrow the world

Conspiracy theories and other fun activities.

So, conspiracy theories. Do you enjoy them? If you do, you’re probably the happiest you’ve ever been.   I’ve been thinking about the mechanics and mindset of how conspiracy theories work. My conclusion is that conspiracy theorists can often create a world that is much worse than the one they actually live in.   This […]