better life ahead for you

Six thoughts on achieving a better life.

Who wouldn’t want a better life? It can be yours. What was it the old preacher said? “Put the hay where the sheep can get to it.” Maybe today you’re feeling sheepish, and need some good hay. I hope this’ll fit the bill. The context: I’ve spoken before about the gap between where I want […]

moving from brokenness to wholeness

Moving from brokenness to wholeness.

This “brokenness to wholeness” paradigm is a pony I’m riding hard these days. Why? Because I’m seeing broken Christians everywhere I turn, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. So in these days I want to contribute to the Kingdom by addressing this, and even providing some tools to move hurting believers in […]

broken heart healed

Helping broken Christians feel better.

These days, I’m fixated on helping broken Christians feel better.

It’s tempting to talk about “in this season of life,” or “my calling,” or other noble-sounding catch phrases. These can become cliche real fast.

Seriously, though, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what I’m supposed to be when I grow up. Helping broken Christians feel better might be part of that equation.

healing and wholeness

Return to wholeness.

Through my service in Christian ministry for 40+ years, I’ve seen so many believers stall out in their faith – they spend their days frustrated, defeated, and even desperate. Broken, in other words.  The fulfilling Christian life that others seem to experience eludes them.I know what I’m talking about – you could count me among that number.

in your control

8 things in your control, Part 2.

Let’s talk about eight things in your control. Last week I shared seven things that were out of your control, so this time around we’ll balance that out. Last week was a reality check for most of us. Today, though, take heart. There are things in your control. You just have to act.

rearview mirror

Objects in the rear view mirror – aka the past

Your future needs you. Your past doesn’t. The great philosopher and theologian, Meat Loaf, sang: But it was long ago and it was far away Oh God it seems so very far And if life is just a highway – then the soul is just a car And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer […]

God knows

God knows. 7 thoughts.

God knows.

Actually, He knows everything about you. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows what will be going on in your life on November 5, 2022, 7:13  p.m.

That’s called omnipotence. God knows all.

I don’t even begin to comprehend that.

My understanding of that truth, though, is actually pretty comforting. Maybe you knowing God knows will comfort you, too.

no one listens or understands

No one listens, and no one understands.

“No one listens, and no one understands.” Have you ever said or thought that? You are not alone. “We have learned that the places to which He (God) leads usually have nothing to do with what we think we will make us happy.” – Erin Napier, Make Something Good Today. If you ever say, “No […]

uncertain times

Welcome to uncertain times.

Uncertain times. Would you consider the days we live in uncertain times? I watch the news, sometimes … if you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I encourage you in uncertain times to back away from that 24-hour news cycle. It will work on you. It will diminish your […]

hard lessons learned

Hard lessons I’ve learned in the last year.

Life is full of hard lessons, now isn’t it? This should be self-evident, but we could probably save ourselves a lot of grief if we’d just simply chill. What I’ll share with you today falls in that vein. This pondering on hard lessons might strike you as defeatist. I’ll go with it anyway; you may […]

Settle down. 5 thoughts.

There is an absolute necessity of rest. Relax. Settle down. Through this you gain strength, your mind is clearer, and you can face all of life’s crazy challenges supernaturally ready.