This corruptible political season.

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You better pay me some attention this morning. I’m about to save someone’s sanity.

It’s about this corruptible political season. My blog is not intended to be a place for political musings, but I’m breaking my own rule here.

Because, this corruptible political season has much to do with your personal well-being and giving you hope and encouragement.

I was with our Mississippi Baptist disaster relief team in NYC following 9/11. Because of that work, I was placed on the World Trade Center Health Registry, a project that tracks the health and well-being of all those responders.

A few times a year, I am contacted by this group via email. Sometimes there are surveys. My responses are entered into a database so that they can study the aftermath of being involved in such a tragedy. Many first responders have been diagnosed with PTSD, in addition to other physical health issues.

One thing has intrigued me. It’s been shown that people in places like Kansas and South Dakota that have never been to NYC, or even KNOW anyone in NYC, have shown symptoms of and have been treated for PTSD, just as though they had been present during or after 9/11.

What researchers have found that those suffering had watched so much television, camped out online, and had immersed themselves in images from the tragedy to the extent that they experienced the same struggles as those who were on the ground in Manhattan.

Flash forward. It’s now 2020. Donald Trump has gone through impeachment proceedings. That’ll probably be settled Wednesday. At this writing, he’ll deliver his State of the Union address tonite. The Iowa caucus is one big mess. There’s plenty of evidence that we’re living in a corruptible political season right there.

Much as was after the World Trade Center attack, the media has breathlessly reported everything that is happening in the last few days.

I don’t care to comment on the rightness or wrongness of what is happening – that’s not my point. My point, and my concern, is that we all take stock in what constant exposure, even obsession, of what is happening in these politically charged days is doing to our minds, to our hearts, all of us.

Because, you gotta ask yourself – are you happy? Are you at peace? Do you have an inner source of comfort that the world can’t take away?

What I’m talking about is totally independent of what is happening in our country.

My fear is that if you find yourself constantly checking the web for Trump news, that if you camp out on one of the TV news outlets, that if you perpetually read blogs from people with your same world view, if you find yourself texting back and forth with your peers all the time, and find yourself bemoaning the ignorance of those who don’t see things as you do … y’all, you are POISONING YOUR SOUL. I am seeing it over and over.

I’m not making a case against being informed. This isn’t about sticking your head in the sand. It’s about you stepping back, evaluating yourself, and OWNING the condition of your heart.

If you’re finding yourself in a dark place, do NOT blame external events or circumstances. It’s all on you, you alone, because you can choose the state of your life right now.

Forget for a moment political garbage. Are you in a better place internally than you were a year ago? Is your heart settled and at peace? Because if it’s NOT, it’s time to change, to stand down, to not fill your heart and mind with corruption.

Stand down. Don’t obsess. You become what you think about. Get the heck off any social media that drags you down. Fill your mind with what is good and wholesome. Maybe volunteer at a homeless shelter. Rake leaves for a widow you know. But get out of yourself, quit bemoaning the awfulness of your state because what is happening “out there,” get involved in something that is life affirming and positive.

For me, that’s Jesus.

Again – look at what you’re doing to yourself.

Eventually, what you do to yourself is going to affect those around you, those you love, and one day you’ll find yourself looking back on these days and realize that this was the time you allowed your heart to become small and bitter, to your everlasting regret. That would apply to ANYONE no matter what their ideology.

Take stock of how you feel RIGHT NOW. Is this how you want to live your life, with your mind and heart in this shape?

Act now. You can change the course of your life. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Here’s what I’m clinging to: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things… and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8 – 9b.

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