Living in fear

Living in fear.

There are plenty of Very Bad Things that can cause folks to live in fear. At the Easter season, it seems right to deal decisively with fears and embrace the cross.

10 thlngs not to say

10 things never to say with someone dealing with mental health issues.

Here are 10 things never to say with someone dealing with mental health issues I can’t find the quote or source, but it goes something like this: “Some people pretend to be sick. Those with mental health issues pretend to be well.” Depression, anxiety, fears … they are part of the human experience. Fact is, […]

find rest

It’s time to find rest – 3 powerful thoughts.

Find rest. Walk in God’s way and find Him. Rest seems to be in short supply these days. There’s a splendid irony at work here. Even though the world has slowed down because of the pandemic, we are more internally unsettled than ever. We may still be busy, but there’s that uneasy churning in our […]


Self-care and other wimpy activities.

There’s part of me that tends to think of self-care as the activity of a wimp. That’s not true, of course.

The typical mandate for me, as a believer, has been in the acrostic J.O.Y. – Jesus, others, you. To me, it’s a noble thing to spend myself in the service of others. The betterment of mankind, if you will.

Self-care comes in third place in that schema. I’m wondering if that’s actually the most helpful methodology, or even scriptural.

it's mandatory

It’s mandatory.

I thought with the advent of COVID-19, we could unite against a common foe. No one has been untouched by this blight. My bad. “United” is not a term I’d come close to using. What a shame. It didn’t have to be this way.

I hate cancer.

I’ll bet that you or your friends or family have all been touched by this insidious disease. How do we deal with it (and I’m not just talking about physical cancer, either.)

Good old days

These are the good old days.

These sure have been some challenging days. But I’d suggest that for many, these will be their good old days. Here’s why.

grim reaper


We live in a chaotic world, and I’m not denying that. Most of the chaos we can’t do anything about, because it’s simply out of our hands. What we can do is manage our response to chaos. Which means – stop your doomscrolling.

getting even

Getting even.

It may be that “getting even” with someone is something you’re plotting right now. “I’ll show them,” you say. “I’m gonna get them back. They will pay for what they’ve done.”

And so forth. We’re talking revenge here.

Problem is, getting even doesn’t serve any real purpose.

when chaos comes

When chaos comes.

What do you do when chaos comes? 

These are turbulent times. It seems that just about when we approach some sense of normalcy, another crisis comes. When chaos comes, how do we best handle that?

Even when you’re following Jesus, disorder and confusion can invade your life. When chaos comes to visit, it’s helpful to know how not only to weather those times, but to prevail during them.

Stop pretending.

I can’t cite the source (someone want to help me?) but I recall reading somewhere that one out of five of us will struggle with some sort of mental illness in our lifetimes. If this isn’t an issue for you, it most likely is for someone you know. It’s okay to struggle. Stop pretending if you do struggle.