Stop pretending.

I can’t cite the source (someone want to help me?) but I recall reading somewhere that one out of five of us will struggle with some sort of mental illness in our lifetimes. If this isn’t an issue for you, it most likely is for someone you know. It’s okay to struggle. Stop pretending if you do struggle.

When our hearts are hungry.

There is hope for both you and me. Our hope is built on truth, and to the extent that we reject truth, we are just that much closer to being hopeless.

I’ve been struck on social media what is coming from believers. They are talking like lost pagan sinners, and God seems to have no place in their thinking. I’m not so high and mighty as to say I’ve never been there, but I am striving to be honest with all, beginning with myself. 

The vaccine won’t work. This will.

Stick a fork in me. I’m done with this COVID junk. I have to do something for me and for y’all, even if it’s an unlikely remedy. I don’t think it is.

How to live in fear.

Some people live in fear. That fear is dependent on the circumstances they perceive themselves to be in, and the worst fear for many is the fear of dying. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Do the next right thing.

Anna understood that to simply do the next right thing was what she needed to do to move out of the mental and emotional state she was in. It’s good counsel.

Two suicides – a reflection.

In these days of COVID-19, it’s hard to remember we’ve been in dark places before. Here’s some thoughts on two very dark days, both of them dealing with suicide. Be encouraged nonetheless. There is always hope.

guard your heart

Guard your heart.

Guard your heart. But is what your heart does out of your control? Are your feelings all over the map these days?

Emotional and spiritual pain

Pain is a gift.

Pain is a gift. Isn’t that just about the most counterintuitive thing you’ve ever heard? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, because there are lots of hurting folks out there. Maybe you’re one of them. Here’s what has me pondering this morning. It’s some ancient script from 1 Peter 4:12-13. It may be […]

Living life with eyes wide open.

I’d like to introduce you to my good friend, Maggie Traxler. I’ve known Maggie for some years now, and I’ve found her to be a very insightful, wise young lady. She, like the rest of us, has faced some “stuff.” But I’ve been honored to watch God mold her and shape her into someone she […]