7 hard-core tips for the Christian soul (when you’re spread too thin).

From Tony: I’m pleased to introduce you to Kimberlee Herman, MSW, LCPC. Check out her work at www.redeemedhopeaz.com. She was kind enough to share some thoughts with us as a guest blogger. Enjoy! Rose (name changed) was thriving for many years. She was volunteering, working, taking care of her family, and everyone else. Until one […]

5 things to stop right now.

This is good, practical information. Use these action points to quit some bad things right now.

Here’s what’s encouraging me these days.

I want to use my  blog space today to share what’s encouraging me these days. If you could use a bit of encouragement today, here are some resources that can help. Going forward, I will be sharing more resources each month. Watch for them! For blog lovers J.S. Park He’s a hospital chaplain, a chaplain […]

Break bad habits.

We all need to break bad habits. We do this by replacing them with good habits. Do you like my grasp of the obvious?

Interpersonal communication

Getting personal.

Getting personal means getting interpersonal. Here’s some guidelines to positive communication.

Can you change

Can you change?

Most of us aren’t content with where we are in life. That’s not a negative statement. It’s just an acknowledgement that we could be and do better.

To move from where we are to where we’d like to be involves change. Can you change? Yes indeed.

woman being responsible

How to take charge of your life.

Want to take charge of your life? Here’s how: If you want things to change, then you have to change first.

Four steps to happiness.

Four steps to happiness. If it were only that easy, right?

I tend to be skeptical to X# steps to anything. Life tends to be much more complicated than that. Still, we can all use a little help now and then.