Encourage One Another

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The Boomerang of Kindness

Encouragement is like a heavenly boomerang. You toss it out there, and it comes swinging back, often right when you need it the most. But what about those times when you’re standing there, arm outstretched, and nothing comes back? You’re going through a rough patch, and yet you hear the words of the Bible reminding you: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

The ‘Jesus Factor’

Let’s consider Jesus for a moment. He’s hanging on the cross—a situation where you wouldn’t expect much encouragement to be handed out—and yet, He comforts the thief beside Him, promising him paradise. If Jesus can find it within Himself to encourage others even in His final moments, surely we can find ways to encourage from behind our screens or over a cup of coffee.

Recharge to Encourage

Picture yourself as a smartphone for a moment. Even phones need to recharge so they can send out all those uplifting texts and calls. So take some time to refuel through prayer, Scripture, and community. This isn’t about giving from a place of emptiness but recharging through divine connection and then sharing what overflows.

Been There, Felt That

When you’re in a difficult spot, you gain a unique perspective. Your words of encouragement carry weight because you’ve walked a similar path. Paul captured this well when he talked about the “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble…” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

The Encouragement Domino Effect

Imagine you’re having a tough day but decide to text a friend with a Bible verse that has lifted your spirits in the past. Your friend, feeling encouraged, decides to call their mom to share some love. Mom, now feeling cherished, compliments a coworker. The coworker, feeling affirmed, goes home and gives his kids an extra hug. Encouragement is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Sowing and Reaping, The Eternal Loop

We can’t forget the age-old biblical principle of sowing and reaping. While it’s not a transaction—God isn’t a divine vending machine—it’s a principle that stands the test of time. Sow encouragement, and you will reap it eventually. Maybe not immediately or in the form you expect, but God is faithful.

We’re All in This Together

Finally, let’s remember that encouragement isn’t a solo endeavor. It’s a collective mission. You lift someone up today; someone else might do the same for you tomorrow. And sometimes the most significant encouragement comes directly from God, providing you that much-needed boost.

So, ready to throw that encouragement boomerang again? It might just return to you sooner than you think, and perhaps right when you need it the most.

Talk later!

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