How to Have the Best Day of Your Life: A Heavenly Playbook With 10 Helps

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Hello lovely humans! Want to know a secret? Every day can potentially be the best day of your life. And if you’re reading this, you’re probably a delightful Christian or at the very least, God-curious. So let’s get our holy receptiveness on and break down how to have a truly divine day.

1. Begin with a Gratitude Stretch

We’ve all heard about morning stretches, but have you tried a gratitude stretch? Before even getting out of bed, stretch those limbs to the heavens above (or ceiling fan, whichever is closer) and shout out five things you’re grateful for. No one will mind. Maybe it’s coffee, the sunlight through your window, or the socks you can’t find. Being grateful for lost socks might sound silly, but at least they aren’t lost sheep.

2. Breakfast – the Heavenly Way

Remember the loaves and the fishes? Great story, isn’t it? Well, unless you’ve got a divine touch, don’t expect to multiply your morning toast. But hey, why not fish for some compliments from yourself while munching your cereal? Tell yourself, “You’re looking especially Godly today,” or “Is that the Holy Spirit or are you just glowing from last night’s face mask?”

3. Dress like King Solomon (on a budget)

King Solomon was known for his wealth and wisdom. While we can’t all rock golden robes, we can definitely rock confidence. Wrap yourself in the armor of God and accessorize with a smile. Put on that shirt or dress you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Because guess what? The best day of your life deserves special occasion wear.

4. Holy Playlist

Make a joyful noise! Create a playlist of your favorite Christian jams. From contemporary artists to the classic hymns, dance like David did before the Ark. And don’t worry about anyone judging you. In this divine day scenario, everyone’s on the dance floor with you.

5. WWJD: What Would Jesus Drive?

The age-old question, with a modern twist! While Jesus might have preferred sandals over a sedan, it’s all about the journey, not the vehicle. Whether you walk, drive, or ride a donkey, make sure to spread love and kindness on your way. And if you’re in traffic, remember to bless those who cut you off. It’s what Jesus would do… probably.

6. Lunch with Lazarus

We don’t all have a friend who’s been brought back from the dead, but we all have those friends we haven’t caught up with in a while. Invite them for lunch! And if they ask why, just say, “Because every meal with you feels like a resurrection of good times.”

7. Do a Random Act of Kindness (RAOK)

It could be as simple as complimenting someone’s sandals or helping a neighbor carry groceries. After all, the Bible says, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” But if you’re giving away chocolates, maybe keep one for yourself. You’re doing a lot of heavenly work today!

8. Have a Sermon on the Mound (of Pillows)

Got any grievances or worries? Pile up some pillows, sit atop your mound and let it all out. Talk to God. Then, when you’re done, have a pillow fight with your problems. Spoiler alert: You win.

9. Dine Like the Last Supper

Okay, maybe not exactly like the Last Supper – there’s no betrayals at this one – but take a moment to savor every bite, cherish the company you’re with, and remember the love and sacrifices made for you.

10. End the Day Reflecting with Revelation

Close the day with some soulful reflection. Dive into Revelation and remember: you’re loved, chosen, and destined for greatness. Your day might have been filled with humor, but God’s love for you is no joke.

best day in your life

There you have it, folks. Ten hopefully holy ways to make your day feel truly heavenly. Remember, every day can be the best day of your life if you sprinkle a little faith, love, and laughter into it. Now go forth and be blessedly joyful! 🌟

Talk soon!

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