I am a hot mess.

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“I am a hot mess.” You ever feel that way?

The ever helpful Merriam -Webster Dictionary defines hot mess as

informal : something or someone that is emphatically a mess: such as
a: something in a state of extreme disorder or disarray, and b: a disorganized, disheveled, or self-destructive person
So there’s the official word. For my purposes, I’ll go with the “a” definition. To drill a little deeper, I especially feel like a hot mess when dealing with personal mental health issues.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I found tons of resources in a brief Google search – this one is typical – but the comforting takeaway from recognizing this month is simply:

You are not alone, even if you are a hot mess.

So there’s that.


Mental health used to be a nonissue for me. I’ve always been an introvert, but introversion isn’t a mental illness any more than having blue eyes is a birth defect. It’s just a thing.


I can’t remember when depression started becoming an issue. I used to be a worrier, but on Oct. 12, 2016, I gave worrying up. It didn’t seem to help to worry. But that depression thing? Hoo-boy. That’s my hot mess place.


After I had my head injury about three years ago, that depression tended to cover me like a shroud. I struggled to explain it with metaphors; I likened it to being at the bottom of a well, looking up at that small circle of daylight, and feeling as though I’d never emerge into the light.

Cheerful, I know.

I was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ve heard that tale of woe from me before. I won’t rehash it here – Google it if you’re curious.
It’s taken a team to get me back to where I am today (wherever that is!) It’s been a joint effort from my internist, my neurologist, some competent counseling, some lovely medications for migraines and depression, and undying support from family and friends. And – this goes without saying – the eternal presence of a loving God, who has used all tools I just mentioned to His glory.
I have good days and bad days. Even good hours and bad hours. Those bad days/hours are my hot mess periods.
But I can happily state that the good far outpaces the bad.

This blog is You Can Have Hope. It’s a very self-descriptive title.

Are you ever troubled by mental or emotional issues? I hope not. Maybe you’re exempt from being a hot mess.
But if you are, then this blog you’re reading exists for you. Or, perhaps, it can help you be an encourager to a loved one that is struggling.
At this season of life (I think that phrase can be overused, but it works for me here), I’ve been thinking rather deeply about what I can do, by God’s grace, to be an encourager to folks who are mentally or emotionally troubled. I’m not necessarily talking about a chronic condition, but perhaps for those sweet people who’ve found themselves in a difficult place for a while and might be wondering what the heck is going on.
I’d also point out that, given the state of our world, it’s hard not to be troubled. The world can make hot messes of us all.
So, I thought, what is the most effective and God-honoring thing I can do to perhaps give people a path from darkness to light?

Obviously, that’s Jesus. So how does that even work?

In light of my gifts, talents, and simple desires, I’ve felt led to produce online workshops and courses to give people legitimate, lasting hope.
Even as I’m typing this, I feel like I’m doing an infomercial. I’m just being honest, because that’s pretty much what this is.
Still with me?
I’ve developed a special platform to address the issues I’ve already mentioned.
It looks like this:
This is a labor of love for me, because it gives me the privilege of ministering to folks I may never meet in person.
I’ve been so pleased with responses to it and all the kind words.
Listen – and again, I’m so wanting to be real with you and for you to discern my heart – I’d like to get this into as many hands and hearts as possible, not because I’m all that “good,” or because I’m preying on the susceptible.
Nope – this is for those who feel like a hot mess, even if only for a season.

One of my first course offerings is this:

I’m pleased with this. I have tried to be 100% God-honoring in its production, but He alone will judge that!

I’d be honored if you’d take a look. You’ll find it HERE.

I am offering this workshop for $37.

I don’t want to make this about me, because it’s NOT. It’s for you, or someone you love.

That link above will give you a lot more information. Again, I think part of God’s call on my life in these days is to simply be an encourager, and this feels like the best way I can do that.

I am a hot mess. I know of so many others that are dealing with their own hot messiness.

You are the one I’d like to reach, encourage, equip, and see set free. This will help.

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