Statement on the death of George Floyd.

Today is blog day, and I woke up committed to say … something. I have so much chaos in my head that it’s not gonna happen. Being an empath in these days is an awful state. I will continue to try to put something coherent together that gives God’s hope to all of us. Today […]

God in a box.

If you try to put God in a box, He’s fixin’ to bust the box.

Living for the approval of others.

There are some people who live their entire lives living for the approval of others. Call it chronic people-pleasing.

What good are friends, anyway?

I want friends in my life who will have those rich, convoluted, dense conversations with me. Or not; sometimes it’s nice to share time together in silence. It just depends. I’m just not sure of what it depends on. What good are friends, anyway?

Six encouraging, motivating principles to adopt right now.

What was it the old preacher said? “Put the hay where the sheep can get to it.” Maybe today you’re feeling sheepish, and need some good hay. I hope this’ll fit the bill. The context: I’ve spoken before about the gap between where I want and need to be and where I actually am. Chances […]